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2022, February 10

“Architecture and Innovation” – a lecture by Massimiliano Fuksas at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

To celebrate the restoration of his Lituanian citizenship, Massimiliano Fuksas held a remote lecture entitled “Architecture and Innovation” at the Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, on February 10 (17:00 LT, UTC+2; 16:00 IT, UTC+1).

Mr. Fuksas provided a brief overview of the upcoming talk – “I will speak about some innovative projects we have been developing in recent years and how the pandemic has generated a process of rethinking architecture, especially from a technological point of view. We will also reflect on the importance of multidisciplinary design and how innovation is now at the heart of human-scale architecture.”

The architect emphasizes that in order to live in the third millennium, we need to change our attitudes and reflect deeply on the changes brought about by the pandemic.

“How will the cities of the future look like? I think there will no longer be megalopolises but widespread centres, fragmented over the territory with a fast digital network and sustainable infrastructure. Innovation and research must become the starting point for growth in order to build a smarter and more functional architecture in which man is increasingly the centre. There is no future without innovation!” –  said Massimiliano Fuksas, encouraging young architects not to be afraid to dare and to go on unknown paths with determination.

The talk of Mr. Fuksas will be followed by a panel discussion with the educators from KTU Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, including a well-renown Lithuanian architect Gintaras Balčytis and professor Kęstutis Zaleckis. The discussion will be cantered around the role of the architect and architecture in the modern world.

This event was initiated by the dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, prof. Andrius Jurelionis. “We were really excited to learn about the reinstatement of Lithuanian citizenship to Massimiliano Fuksas, who’s work both inspire and challenge us, as a built environment community. Since then, we’ve been in touch with Studio Fuksas in planning this event, to provide Mr. Fuksas with a platform to address Lithuanian audience. The lecture will be open to everyone interested, including all Lithuanian architecture schools, practicing architects, and all those still in schools, dreaming about the career in the built environment”, said the Dean of KTU FCEA, adding that there will also be a way for everyone not just to listen, but to ask questions as well.

February 10, 2022

online lecture

KTU – Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dean Prof. Andrius Jurelionis

Watch the lecture

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2022, February 10

“Architecture and Innovation” – a lecture by Massimiliano Fuksas at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

To celebrate the restoration of his Lituanian citizenship, Massimiliano Fuksas held a remote lecture entitled “Architecture and Innovation” at the Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, on February 10 (17:00 LT, UTC+2; 16:00 IT, UTC+1).

Mr. Fuksas provided a brief overview of the upcoming talk – “I will speak about some innovative projects we have been developing in recent years and how the pandemic has generated a process of rethinking architecture, especially from a technological point of view. We will also reflect on the importance of multidisciplinary design and how innovation is now at the heart of human-scale architecture.”

The architect emphasizes that in order to live in the third millennium, we need to change our attitudes and reflect deeply on the changes brought about by the pandemic.

“How will the cities of the future look like? I think there will no longer be megalopolises but widespread centres, fragmented over the territory with a fast digital network and sustainable infrastructure. Innovation and research must become the starting point for growth in order to build a smarter and more functional architecture in which man is increasingly the centre. There is no future without innovation!” –  said Massimiliano Fuksas, encouraging young architects not to be afraid to dare and to go on unknown paths with determination.

The talk of Mr. Fuksas will be followed by a panel discussion with the educators from KTU Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, including a well-renown Lithuanian architect Gintaras Balčytis and professor Kęstutis Zaleckis. The discussion will be cantered around the role of the architect and architecture in the modern world.

This event was initiated by the dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, prof. Andrius Jurelionis. “We were really excited to learn about the reinstatement of Lithuanian citizenship to Massimiliano Fuksas, who’s work both inspire and challenge us, as a built environment community. Since then, we’ve been in touch with Studio Fuksas in planning this event, to provide Mr. Fuksas with a platform to address Lithuanian audience. The lecture will be open to everyone interested, including all Lithuanian architecture schools, practicing architects, and all those still in schools, dreaming about the career in the built environment”, said the Dean of KTU FCEA, adding that there will also be a way for everyone not just to listen, but to ask questions as well.

February 10, 2022

online lecture

KTU – Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dean Prof. Andrius Jurelionis

Watch the lecture

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