2021, May 4th
Rome’s Convention Center “The Cloud” transformed Into Covid-19 Vaccination Hub on Architectural Record Magazine.
News released on Architectural Record Magazine by Joseph Giovannini.
Opened in 2016, the New Rome-EUR Convention Center by Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas of Studio Fuksas was an early victim of COVID-19, which required canceling the conventions, operas, ballets and other public gatherings held in the monumental building. One of Rome’s proudest contemporary structures–and the largest completed in the city in 50 years–went dark. The glass-and-steel hangar, which garages an auditorium enveloped by a translucent white fiberglass cloud made feasible with 3D software, updated the residential and business district EUR – the surrounding Modernist, largely masonry interwar area of Rome – by an era.
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