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2021, October 20

International Conference for the celebration of 100 years of the Architecture School of University La Sapienza in Rome.

In the Occasion of the celebration of 100 years of the School of Architecture of University La Sapienza in Rome, Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas held a lecture on innovation, technology and design presenting their major projects and experience.

In panel “The school of Rome between Past and Future”, moderated by Professor Laura Ricci, participated also Paolo Portoghesi and Francesco Coppola.
International architects were amongst the other speakers of the conference, such as Odile Decq, Elias Torre, Manuel Aires Mateus, Dominique Perrault and Hashim Sarkis.

October 20, 2021

Rettorato of University La Sapienza, Rome – Città Universitaria

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2021, October 20

International Conference for the celebration of 100 years of the Architecture School of University La Sapienza in Rome.

In the Occasion of the celebration of 100 years of the School of Architecture of University La Sapienza in Rome, Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas held a lecture on innovation, technology and design presenting their major projects and experience.

In panel “The school of Rome between Past and Future”, moderated by Professor Laura Ricci, participated also Paolo Portoghesi and Francesco Coppola.
International architects were amongst the other speakers of the conference, such as Odile Decq, Elias Torre, Manuel Aires Mateus, Dominique Perrault and Hashim Sarkis.

October 20, 2021

Rettorato of University La Sapienza, Rome – Città Universitaria

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