2020, February 28
Massimiliano Fuksas at “Tg2 Italia” Rai2
Massimiliano Fuksas participated in the morning program “Tg2 Italia” presented by Chiara Lico on Rai3 on February 28 during which he intervened on the topic of “Rethinking the cities” and urban requalification.
“We must design cities where people can live by day and by night. Houses are places for people that shouldn’t turn into desperation-places. In italy we built very well until the 1960s. Then the building industry was no longer able to respond to the overpopulation of the cities. Just think that 67 % of the Italian population lives in cities and not in the countryside, we must start from this in the design process”.
Massimiliano Fuksas also presented some of the main projects in which Studio Fuksas has been involved, such as Shenzhen Bao’An International Airport, Euromed Centre in Marseille, Tbilisi Public Hall.
February 28, 2020
TV Program Tg2 Italia, Rai2

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