2019, November 7
Doriana Fuksas’ Master Lecture “Love will save the world”, Shenzhen University, China
On Thursday November the 7th, Doriana Fuksas will hold the Master Lecture “Love will save the world” at University of Shenzhen, China. The lecture will start at 10 a.m.
Love will Save the World lecture, represents, more than a statement of architectural legacy (that already can be seen as such) a Manifesto instead revisiting the crucial elements meaning of architecture affronting and assuming the most relevant challenge of current times and years to come; the responsibility of the architect and the role in giving answers to use of energy resources efficiently, zero to none carbon footprint, infrastructure re-use and city resilience while using materials (steel mainly) with versatility as an integral part of the design experience.
November 7, 2019
Shenzhen University, 3688 Nanhai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

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