2021, March 11
Fuksas, the innovator of spaces – interview on Uno Mattina, Rai Uno
On Thursday, March 11th, Massimiliano Fuksas was a guest on Rai Uno’s program Uno Mattina. His 360 degrees innovative approach, his acquaitances with Giorgio De Chirico, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Bruno Zevi, Giorgio Caproni, were some of the main themes of the interview. Mr Fuksas spoke about the genesis of his projects, often based on a first approach through sketches and paintings. Besides talking about his very first works, the Palazzetto dello Sport in Sassocorvaro (1970-73) and the Palestra di Paliano (1979), the architect also talked about the importance of flexibility in buildings and his point of view on how the way of living will have to be revolutionized in the light of the pandemic.
March 11, 2021
Uno Mattina, Rai Uno
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