2024, August
Interview with Massimiliano and Doriana @fuksas_architects on the cover and in the new issue of Abitare 637 on newsstands from 21 August 2024.
“It is rare to find a couple that have stayed together so long and work together so well – for over 40 years now. Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas are a bit like the Diabolik and Eva Kant of architecture: iconic, to use an adjective of which they are particularly fond. And extreme in considering themselves artists and intellectuals able to operate freely, unafraid to take sides in the public debate over divisive issues (Massimiliano has declared himself in favour of incinerators, of the controversial Turin-Lyons railway line, of nuclear power). They have designed airports, trade fairs, public archives, convention centres and skyscrapers across the world, as well as scenery for operas, like the one staged at the Baths of Caracalla in Rome in July that presented two works by Puccini, Tosca and Tura n dot, on a single set. In the year 2000 they curated a memorable edition of the Venice Biennale (Cities: Less Aesthetics, More Et h i cs) that looked for the first time at megalopolises, the fascinating and problematic agglomerations which now house most of the planet’s population.”.
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