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1994年至1997年期间,马西米利亚诺分别为柏林和萨尔茨堡规划委员会成员。1998年,因其职业生涯于布宜诺斯艾利斯获授阿根廷 Vitruvio国际大奖。1998年至2000年主导编纂了《少一些美学,多一些伦理》。1999年获得法国国家建筑大奖赛,次年,获任命为圣卢卡艺术学院院长,并获授予“法国艺术和文学勋章司令勋位”。2002年成为美国建筑师协会(AIA)华盛顿特区荣誉会员,三年后成为巴黎建筑师协会成员。2006年于英国伦敦成为英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)荣誉会员,并获授“意大利共和国大十字骑士勋章”。2010年获法国总统授予荣誉勋章。2012年获“意大利部长会议主席勋章”,并于立陶宛维尔纽斯获授予“立陶宛国际奖”艺术和文化类别奖章。次年,其设计项目深圳宝安国际机场T3航站楼荣获中国深圳最佳交通空间奖“艾特奖”。2014年于纽约获授建筑设计大奖“建筑师 A+”奖和“建筑师 A+”最受欢迎奖交通机场类别奖。2000年至2015年,马西米利亚诺为布鲁诺·泽维创立的意大利新闻杂志《快报》撰写建筑专栏,2014年至2015年,与妻子一同为意大利报纸《共和报》撰写设计专栏。



2018 “Career Award” romArchitettura 6 by Inarch, Palazzo Taverna at University of Arkansas in Rome, UARC, Italy
2016 “Patrimoine Award”, New National Archives of France, Paris, awarded in the “State Cultural Institutions” category by French Ministry of Culture and Communication, Paris, France
2015 “Crystal Globe IAA Grand Prix 2015” premio al merito, Sofia, Bulgaria
2014 “First Sustainable Europian Trade Fair – LEED EB:O&M certification” to New Milan Trade Fair, Milan, Italy
2014 “Architizer A+ Award” and “Architizer A+ Popular Choice Award”, Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport – T3, Shenzhen, China, awarded in the “Transportation – Airports” category, New York, USA
2013 “Idea-Tops Awards”, Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport – T3, Shenzhen, China, awarded “Best Transportation Space”, Shenzhen, China
2012 “Wallpaper* Design Awards 2012”, EUR New Congress Centre, Rome, Italy awarded “Best Building Site”, London, United Kingdom
2012 “Global Lithuanian Award 2012″, Art and Culture category, Vilnius, Lithuania
2012 “Medal of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers”, Italy
2011 International award “Ignazio Silone for culture”, Rome, Italy
2009 “Gold Medal Award” to Zenith Music Hall in Strasbourg, France, “Honorable Mention for Public Spaces and Infrastructures”  to St. Paolo parish complex in Foligno, Italy, Triennale di Milano, Italy
2007 “International Architecture Awards 2007”, New Trade Fair, Rho-Pero in Milan, Italy, awarded “Best New Global Design”, Chicago, USA
2007 “Cubo D’Oro” Award (Scientific Committee of the Annals on Architecture and the city of Naples), Italy
2007 “European Shopping Centre Awards”, first prize awarded to Europark 2 in Salzburg, Austria, (Refurbishments/Extensions)
2006 “Awards for Excellence Europe”, ULI (Urban Land Institute), first prize awarded to New Trade Fair, Rho-Pero in Milan, Italy, Washington D. C., USA
2005 “National Award for Architecture In/Arch – Ance” to Ferrari Operational Headquarters and Research Centre, Maranello, Italy
1999 “Grand Prix National d’Architecture Française”, Paris, France
1998 “Vitruvio International a la Trayectoria” award for his professional career, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2010  decorated with “Légion d’ Honneur” by the French President
2006  Honorary Fellowship of the RIBA – Royal Institute of British Architects, London, UK
2006  Cavaliere di Gran Croce della Repubblica Italiana
2005  member of the Académie d’Architecture in Paris, France
2003  member of the International Academy of Architecture in Sofia, Bulgaria
2002  Honorary Fellowship of the AIA -American Institute of Architects -, Washington D. C., USA
2000  academic of San Luca, Italy
2000  decorated “Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres de la République Française”
1997  member of the Board Commission of the IFA -Institut Français d’Architecture- in Paris, France
from 1994 to 1997 member of the Planning Commission in Berlin, Germany
from 1989 to 1993 member of Board Commission at the France Academy-Villa Medici in Rome, Italy


1994年至1997年期间,马西米利亚诺分别为柏林和萨尔茨堡规划委员会成员。1998年,因其职业生涯于布宜诺斯艾利斯获授阿根廷 Vitruvio国际大奖。1998年至2000年主导编纂了《少一些美学,多一些伦理》。1999年获得法国国家建筑大奖赛,次年,获任命为圣卢卡艺术学院院长,并获授予“法国艺术和文学勋章司令勋位”。2002年成为美国建筑师协会(AIA)华盛顿特区荣誉会员,三年后成为巴黎建筑师协会成员。2006年于英国伦敦成为英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)荣誉会员,并获授“意大利共和国大十字骑士勋章”。2010年获法国总统授予荣誉勋章。2012年获“意大利部长会议主席勋章”,并于立陶宛维尔纽斯获授予“立陶宛国际奖”艺术和文化类别奖章。次年,其设计项目深圳宝安国际机场T3航站楼荣获中国深圳最佳交通空间奖“艾特奖”。2014年于纽约获授建筑设计大奖“建筑师 A+”奖和“建筑师 A+”最受欢迎奖交通机场类别奖。2000年至2015年,马西米利亚诺为布鲁诺·泽维创立的意大利新闻杂志《快报》撰写建筑专栏,2014年至2015年,与妻子一同为意大利报纸《共和报》撰写设计专栏。



2018 “Career Award” romArchitettura 6 by Inarch, Palazzo Taverna at University of Arkansas in Rome, UARC, Italy
2016 “Patrimoine Award”, New National Archives of France, Paris, awarded in the “State Cultural Institutions” category by French Ministry of Culture and Communication, Paris, France
2015 “Crystal Globe IAA Grand Prix 2015” premio al merito, Sofia, Bulgaria
2014 “First Sustainable Europian Trade Fair – LEED EB:O&M certification” to New Milan Trade Fair, Milan, Italy
2014 “Architizer A+ Award” and “Architizer A+ Popular Choice Award”, Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport – T3, Shenzhen, China, awarded in the “Transportation – Airports” category, New York, USA
2013 “Idea-Tops Awards”, Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport – T3, Shenzhen, China, awarded “Best Transportation Space”, Shenzhen, China
2012 “Wallpaper* Design Awards 2012”, EUR New Congress Centre, Rome, Italy awarded “Best Building Site”, London, United Kingdom
2012 “Global Lithuanian Award 2012″, Art and Culture category, Vilnius, Lithuania
2012 “Medal of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers”, Italy
2011 International award “Ignazio Silone for culture”, Rome, Italy
2009 “Gold Medal Award” to Zenith Music Hall in Strasbourg, France, “Honorable Mention for Public Spaces and Infrastructures”  to St. Paolo parish complex in Foligno, Italy, Triennale di Milano, Italy
2007 “International Architecture Awards 2007”, New Trade Fair, Rho-Pero in Milan, Italy, awarded “Best New Global Design”, Chicago, USA
2007 “Cubo D’Oro” Award (Scientific Committee of the Annals on Architecture and the city of Naples), Italy
2007 “European Shopping Centre Awards”, first prize awarded to Europark 2 in Salzburg, Austria, (Refurbishments/Extensions)
2006 “Awards for Excellence Europe”, ULI (Urban Land Institute), first prize awarded to New Trade Fair, Rho-Pero in Milan, Italy, Washington D. C., USA
2005 “National Award for Architecture In/Arch – Ance” to Ferrari Operational Headquarters and Research Centre, Maranello, Italy
1999 “Grand Prix National d’Architecture Française”, Paris, France
1998 “Vitruvio International a la Trayectoria” award for his professional career, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2010  decorated with “Légion d’ Honneur” by the French President
2006  Honorary Fellowship of the RIBA – Royal Institute of British Architects, London, UK
2006  Cavaliere di Gran Croce della Repubblica Italiana
2005  member of the Académie d’Architecture in Paris, France
2003  member of the International Academy of Architecture in Sofia, Bulgaria
2002  Honorary Fellowship of the AIA -American Institute of Architects -, Washington D. C., USA
2000  academic of San Luca, Italy
2000  decorated “Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres de la République Française”
1997  member of the Board Commission of the IFA -Institut Français d’Architecture- in Paris, France
from 1994 to 1997 member of the Planning Commission in Berlin, Germany
from 1989 to 1993 member of Board Commission at the France Academy-Villa Medici in Rome, Italy

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